Back to the old routine

Published on 15 August 2024 at 19:56

Well, the holiday is over. All those months of preparation and planning, and now it is all a distant memory, except for the photos, garden wall art and fridge magnets!


So now it is back to the old routine, except it is not! It is still summer and I have a book to publish.


Still being summer means finding time to swim in the pool, visit friends for lunch in their lovely shaded garden, or in the local bar in the evening, when the sun has gone down and perhaps, if we are lucky, a breeze has come up. We take our meals outside this time of year and I have really enjoyed spending so much time in the fresh air, though shade is essential, and we even have a fan temporarily on the patio, as it has been very hot.


The final thing I can properly commit time to now, which is part of my old routine, is my life as an author. Now that “A Woman Scorned “is successfully published I am turning all of my attention to book number 2. Yes, I know I have mentioned it before, made promises that it would be this year, it was even a New Year’s resolution! Well, it is having the final edit now and then, wait for it, drum roll please, it will be released next month! Then, you can all rush out and buy it, or order it online!


Then, I shall have to get back to book no 3. It was a real rollercoaster of a journey to get where I am now. First self-publishing, then going with a publisher who turned out to be a vanity press, with no interest at all in promoting me or my book. Then it was a case of getting out of that contract and once again self-publishing. However, I am back on track now, and book 3 will be released in September 2025, one year after book 2. 


So, in reality I am not getting back to my old routine, as I never had one. Life is diverse and, yes when John is at work there is a routine, and when I am writing I do have a routine too, at least an hour a day (that is a minimum, I have been known to sit at the desk and tap away at the keyboard for several hours when inspiration comes and the words flow).


Do you have a routine, and does it upset you if you have to diverge from it? Or are you happy to just go with the flow ? Let me know! 

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