Our preparations for Christmas are very different this year, as we are going away. This year, as anyone reading my previous blogs will know, we did not get away for a holiday in the summer, due to the fact that I was waiting for a hip replacement. My hip is fully functional now and I am walking well, without any sticks or cane. My darling John still puts my socks on my feet for me, and takes them off at night too. That is the last thing to be able to do again, but I am in no hurry to try, or to push it, as I want to be as fit as possible for our Christmas break.
So, another matter, you will only be getting one blog this month, this one. I shall be writing all about our holiday in early January. We are going to Majorca, travelling up to Valencia on Christmas Day and catching the evening ferry over to Palma, returning to Antas on New Year’s Eve.
However, between now and Christmas Day we have a lot to do, as we have a couple coming to house and pet sit. So, it’s not a case of packing our bags and locking the door behind us, oh no, the house has to be clean and tidy too!
I have created a calendar on an A4 sheet of paper. John urged me to do it on my phone, but I love a list with jobs to do, as I enjoy crossing them off, as it gives me a great sense of achievement. It sits on the dining room table, thereby being easy for either of us to read to see what our jobs are for the day.
So far, we have put up the decorations and the tree, dusted the pictures and polished the windows and one of my jobs, polishing the copper kettle, had to be delayed until we had bought some more Brasso! But it is gleaming now, and looks like it should do.
Next weekend will be busy, with two lunches and then the final countdown of the last few days of manic cleaning, polishing, making up the spare room etc. until the afternoon of the 23rd, when our sitters arrive.
It shall all be worth it, for a lovely week away to a place where neither of us has been for many years. What are your plans for Christmas and the New Year? Let me know!
Meanwhile, until I write again in January, I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
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