In the last blog I spoke about the romantic month of February, so now I thought I would tell you my own romantic tale of February.
It is true that, though I write murder mysteries, I am a very romantic person. I am also lucky to have found a romantic partner.
John and I met through internet dating. I had been a widow for some 25 years and had tried meeting someone online, but was eventually getting fed up, with those who responded, with the whole system really, I guess.
So, one Sunday evening, in May ...yes May not February yet! I was watching television and deleting the dating sites. One more to go and I opened up to search where I could unsubscribe and ...ping! “You have a match!”. Oh yes right, really? Oh well, I thought, might just have a look, and the rest, as they say is history!
Well, we met one Friday in June, then it was only a few weeks before we knew we were in love. The next February 14th we exchanged Valentine cards, but I felt John was a little on edge. Monday the 18th came and we were starting to get ready for a lunch club I organise when the post arrived.
John had a small parcel which he passed to me saying it was for me, and that it should have arrived in time for Valentines. I opened the parcel, and there was a ring box, and inside a ring. He asked me to marry him and, of course, I said yes.
So here we are, four years later, happily married, and yes February is always a special month for us, but so is April when we married and June when we first met. Being romantics we are forever saying " Happy Anniversary" for every little memorable day.
I do hope your February was full of love …let me know, if you wish !
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